24 février 2023
Sonatel Group results in line with forecasts despite tough competition with a high level of investment to support customer needs
Dakar, February 23rd, 2023 – The Sonatel Group, present in 5 countries (Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, and Sierra Leone), achieves its forecasts thanks to operational efficiency despite tough competition and in a difficult social economic context.
The year 2022 was marked by the development of Mobile and Very High Speed Fixed and Mobile activities in all markets (Consumer and Business) in the 5 countries of presence. This development has been favored by the densification and extension of networks and the launch of innovative offers adapted to the needs of our customers.
The Wholesale market (wholesale) is holding up with new sources of growth, in particular the delegated management of the Beninese Company of Digital Infrastructures (SBIN) which launched its mobile and mobile money services, making it possible to compensate for the drop in international traffic in line with changes in customer usage.
The decline in value on the Mobile Money market continues and Orange Money remains the leader in most countries. The price reductions implemented were favorable to the growth of the customer base and transaction volumes.
The consolidated turnover in the 5 countries amounts to XOF 1455 billion, up 9% compared to December 2021. An increase obtained without an increase in our prices, despite the
increase in production costs due to the surge inflationary.
This growth was supported by the intensification of investments to extend and densify the networks. For the year 2022, XOF 262 billion (+22.5% compared to 2021) were allocated to investments in the 5 countries in response to our regulatory commitments, for the improvement of the quality of service, the contribution to the digital development of the territories and especially for the accompaniment of the States in their policy of digital development. Thus, the Fiber network has been extended to facilitate household access to high-speed Internet, the customer experience has been greatly improved with incomparable network quality and innovation has not been left behind with the launch in pilot phase of 5G in Senegal.
In addition, the good commercial dynamic characterized by sustained marketing and commercial activity and a digitalized distribution network has been a real catalyst for this growth.
Thanks to operational efficiency and a policy of constantly improving cost control, the Group’s consolidated net income stands at XOF 279 billion, up 10.5% and represents 19% of consolidated turnover.
Strengthening the contribution of the Group to the economy and the creation of wealth in the 5 countries of presence
The Sonatel Group remains one of the leading contributors to value creation in its countries of presence, with 65% of the group’s consolidated turnover redistributed there in these economies for the 2022 financial year:
.More than XOF 435 billion were paid to State budgets in taxes, taxes collected directly, royalties, social security contributions, customs duties and dividends, i.e. 30% of consolidated turnover. The activities of the Sonatel Group have also made it possible to collect XOF 297 billion for the States in respect of indirect taxes.
.With regard to the development of the local private sector, the group’s activities have generated more than XOF 298 billion in revenue for the benefit of local companies (subcontractors, suppliers, service providers, etc.), i.e. 20% of turnover consolidated.
.In terms of jobs, the group’s activities have consolidated more than 5,000 direct jobs and nearly 200,000 indirect jobs thanks to dynamic partnerships in the technical and commercial fields. As such, more than XOF 160 billion were paid in commissions to our distributor partners, i.e. 11% of consolidated turnover.
.The Sonatel Group has contributed positively to the balance of payments for XOF 77 billion thanks to international traffic (communication) comparable to exports.
Our social commitment
The Sonatel Group has strengthened its actions for digital inclusion through:
.An Orange Digital Center network in Senegal, Mali, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, which has enabled more than 17,000 young men and women to benefit from various training, acculturation and awareness programs on digital tools.
In Senegal, the opening of ODC (Orange Digital Center) Club in universities (in Bambey and Saint Louis) has made it possible to train more than 3,000 learners (certifying
course and reinforcement course); with a feminization rate of 40% and an insertion rate of 86%.
In Mali, a second solidarity FabLab opened on the “knowledge hill” at the Faculty of Sciences has participated in supporting innovative projects.
.More than 1,800 women have also been able to benefit from training in our network of
Digital Centers to promote their empowerment and participate in promoting their
digital inclusion.
In the promotion of social inclusion, the Group has multiplied sponsorship actions in all its countries with particular emphasis on Education and Health, the « Village Projects » of our foundations which contribute to the opening and development of rural areas by building and equipping modern school and health facilities. In 9 years, 26 Village Projects have thus been deployed.
For the preservation of the environment, the Group has participated in the reduction of the carbon footprint, with today 8% of our electricity consumption coming from renewable energies (mainly solar).
The Sonatel Group is also the sports partner and sponsor of national teams in several countries, notably in Senegal, Mali, Guinea, and Guinea Bissau. As such, in Senegal we are delighted to support, for more than 25 years, the Lions, triple African champions in football titles (CAN, CHAN, Beach Soccer).
Commenting on the publication of these results, Sékou Dramé, General Manager of the Sonatel Group declared:
the Sonatel Group has again realized its forecasts and showed a capacity of resilience in all the countries of presence despite a difficult social economic context.
The Sonatel Group confirms its commitments through a strong financial performance and operational efficiency to maintain its dynamic anchoring and contribute to digital development in all the countries of presence through a sustained investment policy on Very High Speed Fixed and Mobile while improving the customer experience.
In 2023, we aim to strengthen our performance, both in terms of growth and profitability, thanks to an operational efficiency plan. We are going to pursue our strategy as a multi-service operator by accelerating our growth levers, which are Very High Speed Fixed and Mobile, the distribution of content via our Wido platform and the Orange Energy business. We will continue to consolidate our positions in the Mobile Money market by relying on digital, and by developing new products around an improved customer experience.
The Sonatel group remains determined to maintain its civic engagement for the benefit of the populations through CRS and sponsorship initiatives to remain a major contributor to the
digital, financial, and social inclusion of the populations of West Africa.
Key financial figures of the Sonatel Group (Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Guinea Bissau,and Sierra Leone)

Key operational figures of the Sonatel Group (Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, and Sierra Leone)